

Culture Select: Lead Programmer

Kickstarter Video Demo (Unity)

Coded and helped design a proprietary "deck builder" game in Unity Engine. My initial work was used for a proof of concept video to obtain the licensing contract. Our remote team then created a vertical slice Kickstarter video for the client.


Hobbyist / College

Unreal Engine 4

Magnetic Manipulation Demo

Use a magnet gun that lets you bend physics between metal spheres to solve increasingly complex puzzles.

I improved on the concept for my college project and used this as a springboard to learn UE4.



Magnetic Manipulation

A group final project, Magnetic Manipulation is a first-person puzzle platformer. The player is given a weapon that can cause metallic objects to attract. Using this, the player must figure out how to use it to their advantage to manipulate objects and complete puzzles of increasing difficulty.

The initial concept was my own, accepted by the professors for our final project. Lead by me, our team met our weekly milestones and created this little puzzler.


Run circuits around this map as your power drains. Collect nodes to prolong your life as you rack up score. Plan your route well to make it to the top!




This is a score attack game with two stages for getting points. First the player must click on the items that appear in the field to bring them into the inventory, which can hold up to ten items. They must then click on the items in the inventory to turn them into points. Bombs that are collected remove from the score. The longer the game goes on the faster the field fills up, when the field is filled with 30 items the game ends.



In this game you shovel snow for money as quickly as fast as you can. The money you make by shoveling can also be spent on buying upgrades to clear out more snow. The goal is to clear out all of the snow or as much as you can within the time limit. Budget well and manage your time for the high score!